Leading Women's Profile
Georgette Nicholas - CEO and MD Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia
My latest portrait project is officially launched this week - Leading Women’s Profile.
The purpose of Leading Women’s Profile is to:
Offer recognition to leading women
Raise funds for vulnerable women
Build awareness of the need for action to create gender balance
The global ratio of women to men today is 1:1. However, women’s access to resources and opportunity is not equal with men.
We know that diversity and gender balance create stronger communities and higher performing companies. Research shows that organisations with better gender balance have a higher performing share price. However, only 12 of the ASX200 have women CEO’s.
Think of a continuum of women’s power from the strongest to the most vulnerable. All the way along that continuum women experience difficulty related to their gender.
Portraits of Leading Women aims to build on strengths to support those most vulnerable. The project will create a gallery of peers providing recognition to women in high performing roles and fuel discussion around women’s success. Each portrait is accompanied by that persons 3 key success factors in order to fuel conversation about what we can do to assist more women to stronger positions.
At the other end of the spectrum are young women without a home, work, or the wherewithal to get them. These vulnerable young people are supported through Bridge of Hope’s Bridging the Gap program into accommodation and pathways to security.
Identifying actions we can all take to work toward gender balance is critical for change. My work for over 20 years as a communication facilitator, has taught me that the shortest path to success is to focus on strengths, on what is working and build on that. I want to inspire conversations about women’s strengths and paths to success. The other conversations we need to have are about those most vulnerable in society and how we can help.
The background for the portraits is a blue sky - meaning - endless possibilities.
Art helps us understand ourselves. Art can lead conversations about the future and in this case the areas of positive action.
“…the difference between success or failure is determined by nothing more than our sense of what is possible…” (de Botton A., Armstrong J. Art as Therapy 2014)
The first portrait is of Georgette Nicholas CEO and MD of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia. You can read about Georgette’s 3 key success factors here www.leadingwomensprofile.website
Painting Marnie Baker MD Bendigo Adelaide Bank - live at the bank.