Be Curious ... and Art at Tax time
Life can get too complex at times and at others become mundane, ho hum. We start to not notice the beautiful plants, the sunset.
There is one thing you can do every day to make your life more interesting and engaging. A simple mindset.
Be curious! Be curious about what is around you, ask another question to go deeper into a topic and learn more, stop and look at that flower and find out what it is, listen to someone and be curious about them.
The world is fascinating, filled with beauty and passion. Take a moment today to just stop and be curious about someone or something, ask a question take one more step.
You may just stumble upon a life long passion or something that makes you laugh. Be curious.
Did you know you can buy art and claim it on your tax return?
The 'Instant Artwork Write-Off' is an asset allowance measure introduced at the beginning of 2020 for small business whose turnover is under $500 million. It is very likely to end at the end of this month.
This write off gives small business the ability to purchase artworks and deduct the entire amount (up to $150,000) on their tax return.
It's a good time to buy that painting! You can buy my work directly from HERE. You can confirm the tax ruling here at the ATO